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Cherry Amaretto Swirl Frozen Mocktail

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  • Author: Liz Moody
  • Yield: 2 1x




  • 1 can lite coconut milk ⁣
  • 1 whole orange, ideally organic since you’re blending the whole thing!⁣
  • 1 tbsp honey⁣
  • pinch salt⁣


  • 2 cups frozen cherries⁣
  • 3 tbsp honey⁣
  • 1 tsp almond extract ⁣
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract⁣
  • 1/3 cup water⁣
  • pinch of salt⁣


  1. Cut off the ends of the orange and blend the entire orange with coconut milk, honey, and salt until very smooth, then pour into glass and set aside.⁣
  2. Rinse out blender and blend cherries, honey, almond extract, vanilla extract, salt, and water until smooth. use more water, a splash at a time, if needed to blend but mixture should be THICK and barely pourable. ⁣
  3. Pour orange mixture in 2 cups until about 1/2 way full. add a little cherry mixture, then the rest of orange mixture, then the rest of cherry mixture. use the end of a spoon to swirl very gently, drawing patterns in the side of cup.