Episode 117

How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome And Start Living Your Best Life with Dr. Valerie Young

Imposter syndrome manifests in unexpected ways—find out how and beat it using these tools.

Episode Show Notes:

My guest today is Dr. Valerie Young, one of the world’s leading experts on imposter syndrome and the founder of the Imposter Syndrome Institute. She’s the author of the best-selling book, The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women: Why Capable People Suffer from Impostor Syndrome.

  • what imposter syndrome actually is and how to know if you have it
  • the hidden causes of imposter syndrome
  • the types of people who are more vulnerable to imposter syndrome
  • exactly how to get over the fear of people thinking you’re stupid or not liking you
  • how to deal with criticism in a healthy way
  • the REAL thing that holds us back from going after our dreams more than money or time
  • how to get over fear of failure and actually take a big, scary leap in your life
  • why perfectionism is not serving you and pragmatic tips to let go of it
  • why your imposter syndrome is leading to procrastination (and how to stop!)
  • one simple thing everyone can do to build confidence right now
  • the one big mistake people make when trying to decide if a risk is worth taking

This episode is sponsored by Seed. You can get 15% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01™ Daily Synbiotic by going to https://seed.com/daily-synbiotic and using the code LIZMOODY.

This episode is sponsored by Paleovalley. Head over to paleovalley.com and use the code LIZM for 15% off.

This episode is sponsored by Wild Health. Get 20% off with code LIZ at wildhealth.com/liz.

Healthier Together cover art by Zack. Healthier Together music by Alex Ruimy.

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