I’m so excited to welcome Drew Ramsey, M.D., one of psychiatry’s leading proponents of Nutritional Psychiatry and author of Eat To Beat Depression and Anxiety. Dr. Ramsey is an assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons and the founder of the Brain Food Clinic. On this episode we talk about:
- the 6 nutrients that influence our brain health
- why balancing BDNF levels is as important and serotonin and dopamine
- how to support your BDNF levels
- the best ways to tackle insomnia
- how to eat to help with depression
- why you should stop taking melatonin
- changes you can make now to help protect your brain from Alzheimer’s and other neurodegenerative diseases
- what causes brain fog and easy ways to help beat it
- a surprising cause of depression and anxiety OR how viral infections can cause depression and anxiety
- how to activate your glymphatic system and clean up the waste in your brain
- tips for vegans and vegetarians to support their mental health
- whether intermittent fasting helps with mental health
- the one food you should be incorporating into every meal that you’re probably not
- the breakfast food that’s an under appreciated gut health superstar
This episode is sponsored by Nuzest. You can use the code “LIZM” for 20% off your order on http://nuzest.us/liz
This episode is sponsored by Thrive Market. Go to thrivemarket.com/healthiertogether to get 40% off your first order AND a FREE gift worth over $50!
This episode is sponsored by Seed. You can get 15% off your first month’s supply of Seed’s DS-01™ Daily Synbiotic by going to https://seed.com/daily-synbiotic and using the code LIZMOODY.
This episode is sponsored by Paleovalley. Head over to paleovalley.com and use the code LIZM for 15% off.
Healthier Together cover art by Zack. Healthier Together music by Alex Ruimy.
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