Dr. Russell Kennedy shares his unique approach that doesn’t focus on stopping anxiety in acute moments, but in getting to the root cause of your anxiety and where it lives in your body.
- his revolutionary approach to not only coping with anxiety, but healing it at its root
- what’s actually happening in your brain when you feel anxious
- why we can get addicted to anxiety (+ how to break the cycle)
- why some people have anxiety and others in the same situation don’t
- why you’re more resilient than you think (+ how to actually believe that)
- how childhood trauma impacts anxiety in adult life + how to address it
- why children today are more likely to be anxious (+ exactly what to do about it)
- his honest take on antidepressants
- neuroscience-backed ways to deal with anxiety in the moment
- the best supplements for anxiety
- and so much more!
For more from Dr. Kennedy, head to his website theanxietymd.com, follow him on social media at @theanxietymd, and grab his book Anxiety Rx: A New Prescription for Anxiety Relief from the Doctor Who Created It.
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Healthier Together cover art by Zack. Healthier Together music by Alex Ruimy.
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