
Starbucks Pink Drink Green Smoothie (dairy free, refined sugar free!)

Ladies and gentlemen, the internet’s first-ever Pink Drink Green Smoothie. If you’re obsessed with the Starbucks pink drink, you’re going to love that this breakfast smoothie is creamy, thick, naturally PINK, and packed with hidden veggies!

This might be my new favorite green smoothie for its delicious flavors and science-backed health benefits like fighting inflammation and preventing cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer’s. And yes, it’s loaded with veggies which still make it a green smoothie–even though it’s pink in color. This pink drink green smoothie makes for an amazing healthy breakfast that’s packed with plant-based protein, fiber, and healthy fat to keep your blood sugar stable and you full well through lunchtime.

healthy starbucks pink drink recipe

Friends, I’m back with another amazing, nutritious, and blood sugar friendly Starbucks copycat recipe. Except, this recipe, is in GREEN SMOOTHIE FORM! In cased you missed it, I’ve remade delicious, healthy versions of tons of Starbucks copycat recipes like the blueberry muffin, iced lemon loaf, coffee cake, cranberry bliss bars. Last week, you met the new seasonal Healthy Starbucks Lime Frosted Coconut Bars, and today we’re going classic. If you’ve been a cult follower of the Starbucks pink drink for years, you’re going to love this anti-inflammatory smoothie version that you can make right at home with nourishing ingredients.

I got inspiration for this recipe from my Creamy Strawberry Aphrodesiac Mocktail–also a pink drink that uses hibiscus tea as the base. It’s the perfect amount of natural sweetness and hidden veggies that’ll make you feel amazing.

Join my Green Smoothie Society

If you follow me on Pinterest, you’ve probably seen that I’m a big believer in starting every day with a green smoothie. It’s my #1 piece of advice for anyone who wants to transform their health. You can get all of my delicious and creative green smoothie recipes in one place when you join my Green Smoothie Society! Sign up right here.

Ingredients in pink drink smoothie

This thick breakfast smoothie is made with simple, healthy ingredients that you probably already have in your pantry. Here’s the science-backed reasons it’s great for you:

  • Hibiscus tea: it’s what makes this pink drink naturally pink. Plus, hibiscus is a natural mood-booster that’s shown in studies to fight free radical damage, help our skin glow, and promote healthy weight.
  • Frozen cauliflower: it’s the sneaky veggie that I promise you can’t taste at all. Frozen cauliflower makes smoothies so creamy, plus it adds fiber for digestive benefits and anti-inflammatory properties that are proven to help prevent heart disease, brain diseases like Alzheimer’s, cancer, and more.
  • Dates: we naturally sweeten this smoothie with pitted dates. I like Medjool dates in my smoothies. See below for a quick tip on how to soften your dates before blending!
  • Protein powder: Add vanilla protein powder of choice to give this green smoothie a protein boost and keep your blood sugar balanced! I’m loving Nuzest and Ritual protein powders right now.
  • Frozen strawberries: I love the natural sweetness and flavor of strawberries, plus the antioxidants in strawberries are proven to defend against heart disease, neurodegenerative diseases, and cancer.
  • Coconut milk: we’re using coconut milk in smoothies because it adds a super creamy texture and light flavor all while being dairy free.
  • Fine grain sea salt: powerful minerals that make the flavors pop!

Podcast pairing

What to Eat For Longevity, Inflammation, Cancer Prevention, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, & More with Dr. William Li

The disease-preventing health benefits inside this pink drink smoothie pair SO well with my latest podcast episode with Dr. William Li. He’s the host of the 11-million viewed, hit TedTalk, Can We Eat to Starve Cancer?, and he teaches us exactly how to eat for prevention and healing across the disease spectrum.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • how much of what we ACTUALLY eat impacts our body
  • the effect of specific diets like keto and veganism on our health
  • if the blue zones are scientifically valid
  • the best foods for supporting metabolism
  • what the research says about monk fruit and other “alternative sugars”
  • a trick for buying the best olive oil at the grocery store

Listen on Spotify

Listen on Apple Podcasts

starbucks copycat pink drink smoothie

Don’t make this tea steeping mistake!

Hibiscus tea is loaded with antioxidants that make this pink drink smoothie so transformative for our health. To get the maximum benefits, remember to always cover your herbal tea when steeping it to keep all of the therapeutic compounds from evaporating! Hibiscus tea has a LOT of wonderful compounds that fight cancer, lower LDL cholesterol, boost liver health, and make skin glow so we want to keep those in!

How to soften dates

Whether your dates are on the hard side or your blender isn’t high powered, you might need to soak your dates before blending so they go in smoothly! Here’s how:

  • Place your pitted dates in a cup of hot water for 5-10 minutes before blending.
  • While the dates soak, get all of the other ingredients measured out!

Make this smoothie ahead of time

One of my favorite parts about smoothies is that they stay good in the fridge for 24 hours. So, you can make one batch of this smoothie, divide it into two mason jars, and save the second serving for future you! It’s the best form of self care.

You can also make big batches of cold brew hibiscus tea in your fridge by doubling the steeping method in the recipe! You can always catch me keeping iced hibiscus tea on hand to drink throughout the day.

More green smoothie recipes to try:

Salt and Straw Blueberry Crumble Smoothie

Healthy Ben & Jerry’s Vegan Chunky Monkey Green Smoothie

Healthy Cherry Garcia Smoothie Oats

Birthday Cake Batter Green Smoothie

I hope you enjoy, and tag me if you make this Starbucks Pink Drink Smoothie on Instagram (@lizmoody)! If you think we should do a series of turning famous menu items into green smoothies (like the Starbucks coffee cake SMOOTHIE, or the Dunkin’ Donuts rocky road swirl SMOOTHIE) let me know in the comments what your dream flavor would be!⁣

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Starbucks Pink Drink Green Smoothie (dairy free, refined sugar free!)

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  • Author: Liz Moody
  • Yield: 2 1x


  • 2 hibiscus tea bags (any brand works! You can get it at most grocery stores)⁣
  • 1.5 cups frozen cauliflower ⁣(whole or riced works!)
  • 3 pitted dates⁣ 
  • 2 servings vanilla protein powder of choice⁣ 
  • 2 cups frozen strawberries⁣
  • 1.5 cups canned lite coconut milk⁣
  • Pinch of fine grain mineral salt ⁣


  1. Steep the hibiscus tea in 1 cup boiling of water. Cover it and let sit for at least 10 minutes or up to 30. Squeeze out the tea bags and place the tea in the freezer to quick cool. You’ll want to end up with a cup of strongly brewed and cold hibiscus tea. ⁣
  2. Add the tea to a blender with all remaining ingredients and blend until smooth. Add more water, tea, or milk a splash at a time if needed to blend.